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The TSEMY – Training for sustainable employment of youth and young adults is funded by the European Commission, through funds granted by the National Erasmus + Agency Education and Training Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation for innovation and interchange of good practices (Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training) with reference number 2020-1-PT01-KA202-78621.
The phenomenon of unemployment among young people has emerged in the European Union, with different incidence in several member states. But in general, the unemployment rate in the population aged 20 to 29 years is higher than the unemployment rate in the total population.
This new methodology leads to the production of training content that meets the needs of employers and integrates a training in the business market and mentoring through a digital platform for monitoring the trainees. It is a tailor-made training accompanied by a motivational strategy for trainees and employers that will lead to sustainable action that can be replicated in other work contexts and other member states.
The general objective of the project is to contribute to the reduction of unemployment in the population aged 20-29, unemployed and with tertiary training.

TSEMY – Comptetences and Skills

What skills and competences does the training programme provide? Watch the video to learn more …

Watch the video tutorial on TSEMY – Evaluation Process

Watch the video tutorial on TSEMY - Evaluation Process …

Watch the video tutorial TSEMY on Employability Enhancement

Watch the video tutorial TSEMY on Employability Enhancement …


What is the IO1 REVIEW PAPER ON CONTEXT ? Watch the video! …

TSEMY – Using the Platform

Watch the video tutorial on how to use the Tsemy platform …

Last TSEMY project newsletter

Last TSEMY project newsletter The latest TSEMY project newsletter includes a short description of Outcome 4 – The Training Methodology Guide for Teachers and Outcome 5 – The Training Methodology…

Tsemy project’s third newsletter

Tsemy project's third newsletter Education and experience may qualify you to apply for a job, but to be successful in most jobs you need skills that you are likely to…

What is the TSEMY Project?

What is the TSEMY Project? Watch the video! …

Second newsletter of the Tsemy project

Have a look at the second newsletter of the Tsemy project The second TSEMY newsletter will briefly describe the first result of theproject – IO1 REVIEW PAPER ON CONTEXT. IO1…

Tsemy Training for sustainable employment of youth and young adults

Website of the project The TSEMY – Training for sustainable employment of youth and young adults is funded by the European Commission, through funds granted by the National Erasmus +…

Have a look at the first newsletter of the Tsemy project

Have a look at the first newsletter of the Tsemy project The basic designation is “TSEMY – Training for sustainable employment of youth and young adults”, the scope being located…
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