Main objective of the project is to develop a set of practical tools for educators of all levels (especially VET providers) in age management in relation to the education sector. The set of tools will consist of: 1. collection of best practice examples on solutions of age-related issues in schools, 2. comparative analysis of the case studies and recommendation for the educators on the effective choice of age management measures, 3. curricula for training of selected school staff in age-related topics, 4. model introductory training program – Continuous Professional Development program (CPD program) for VET teachers and trainers, 5. web platform providing all the previous tools in an online form to the public. The main project objective will be fulfilled by the following partial objectives: – to create a professional network in the problem area and contribute to it; – to involve age management trainers (teachers/trainers from VET providers) into the training activities; – to spread the results of the project within the professional networks of the partners.