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DIGIfreelancer: new project for AdM

“DIGIfreelancer” has begun! The project partners met online for the meeting that officially kicked off the work. 

The training offer for freelancers in the EU countries is wide and varied, but often does not take into account the real objectives of such training with regard to business development. Freelancers apply to different structures, but without a structured ‘curriculum’ aimed at their overall professional development as entrepreneurs.

Our project responds to this very need, aiming to provide a broader vision of the digital skills to be developed, not only to improve marketing and communication skills, but also to facilitate access to digital tools and skills that improve work processes and organisation. 

DigiFreeLancer will provide VET trainers and freelancers with a methodology that focuses on improving business performance by taking into account and enhancing digital skills.

#freelance #freelanceeconomy #digifreelancerproject #ErasmusPlus #digitalskills

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