We are four partners from across Europe who will work together for 24 months developing competences, promoting social inclusion and digital inclusion, active participation providing tools for educator for assessment, so a blended experiential learning for adults.
In this project the consortium wishes to address people 65+ in order to enhance their participation in lifelong learning, improve their life quality and social participation and inclusion and educational institutions are aware of the importance of involving the ICT in their courses, but lack the experience and counseling to really involve seniors in the digital society, not only as an ICT training courses.
We aim at extending and developing the competences (1st aim) of the staff involved with non-formal and informal education of senior learners through the effective use of ICT. We promote social inclusion and digital inclusion, active participation and collaboration (4th aim) through innovative ICT-based methods (2nd aim), providing tools for educators for assessment and validation of competences learnt (3rd aim).
Main target of this project are the non-formal and informal trainers and educators (touristic guides, trainers, tutors, facilitators…) that are currently offering extra-academic and cultural activities or other kind of activities done outdoors, as trekking, visiting of villages, museums, etc… to senior citizens in adult education institutions and wish to promote their digital inclusion and potentiate the skills and competences acquired.