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Observatory Project

The Italian regions boast a varied territory and a millenary history, the result of crossbreeding between different peoples and cultures. It is an extremely stimulating reality from an artistic, cultural, socio-anthropological and naturalistic point of view, which finds its strength and typicality in the many local realities, each with its own specific and unique characteristics.

Each Municipality, each District, each Province and, in general, each area represents a microcosm full of history and peculiarities: the geographical position, the period of origin, the urban structure, the presence of monuments and buildings of artistic or political importance, the type of inhabitants and their origins.

The project, which has been running since May 2003, carries out real Territorial Observatories with the aim of developing thematic research on the territory in order to narrate in audiovisual form, through a series of DOCUMENTARY VIDEOS (DOCU-FICTION), the territory of the places involved by those who live there, characterise them and have characterised them, starting from certain specific areas and then extending throughout the country. 

The Municipalities, Cities and Provinces involved will be able to choose the theme or themes to “observe and narrate” according to needs that are now social, now linked to history or to ongoing transformations, always involving the territory through the active participation of students, local associations, libraries, senior centres and citizens.

Videos here.

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