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Welcome to the DEED project

Project DEED has an ambitious objective: acquisition of Green Competences in VET with the help of innovative digital
approach utilizing the potential of personal mobile devices.
The main project objective will be fulfilled by the following specific objectives:
– to create a professional network in the field of environmental education and contribute to it;
– to develop a set of tools for the VET teachers/trainers to help them develop Green Competence their students;
– to deliver the tools for Green Competence development to the VET teachers andprovide a guidance on how to implement
them in their vocational courses and lessons;
– to spread the results of the project within the professional networks of the partners.

The main objective will be achieved by creation of several tangible outputs in form of “products” and several other outputs,
outcomes and impacts, as follows:
TANGIBLE OUTPUTS (products) – described further in WP2.
1. Virtual library
2. Set of GreenComp micro-lessons
3. VET Teachers’ Guide – a step-by-step guide on how to use the GreenComp micro-lessons
4. GreenComp micro-certificate
5. Green competence training platform

OTHER OUTPUTS (immediate results achieved soon after the completion of the projects and its activities)
– improvement of the teaching/training skills of 28 trainers/teachers;
– improvement of the awareness of 28+ people (managers/teachers involved in the project activities) of the potential and usability of the GreenComp micro lessons;
– improvement of Green Competence of 28+ VET teachers;
– improvement of Green Competence of 300+ VET students;

OUTCOMES (short-term effects of the immediate outputs)
– improvement of the efficacy of the newly trained teachers/trainers in the VET instructioni delivery;
– improvement of the curricula/teaching methodologies in the partners’ organizations (or associated organizations);
– involvement in further projects within the new network of partners.

IMPACTS (long-term results that came about because of the activities undertaken in the project)
– improvement of the VET schools response to the urgent climate change challenges;
– improvement of the overall quality of the teaching and training in the partner organizations (or associated organizations) and thus their reputation;
– improvement of the overall potential of involvement in other international projects.

The impacts of the project will be further developed in the respective part of this application.
What makes your proposal innovative?
This project intends to merge three distinct incentives with huge synergic educational potential:
– (1) digital environment (tools);
– (2) micro-learning approach (didactics);
– (3) climate change (topic);

Stay tuned for more!

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