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AMI-4EUROPE: Advanced, Cross- Disciplinary & Integrated Medical Imaging for all Europeans through a Network of Regional Clusters and Development Strategies.AMI-4EUROPE is addressed to policy makers, policy drivers, researchers, Large, Medium-size…

Migrants in Rome

Video-documentary by the Memory Archive in collaboration with the University Master in Theory and Qualitative Analysis, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.Full video here. …

Observatory Project

The Italian regions boast a varied territory and a millenary history, the result of crossbreeding between different peoples and cultures. It is an extremely stimulating reality from an artistic, cultural,…

Voices of War

Anthropologists, photographers, video operators, many researchers, collaborators and consultants, have for years collected, documented and processed in 40 municipalities of the Lazio Region, the stories, memories and testimonies of many…

Aids: beyond the disease

This project is part of a multi-year action programme launched in 2005 by the Archivio della Memoria in collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata, the Istituto Superiore di…

Time, Memory & Identity

A Video-Documentary of Archivio della MemoriaFull video here. …
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